Check California Business Name Availability Now.

california business name availability

Starting a new venture in California? One of the crucial steps is to check the availability of your desired business name. Ensuring that your business name is distinctive and not likely to mislead the public is essential for compliance with California’s regulations.

When it comes to business names in California, they must be distinguishable in the records and not likely to be confused with existing entities. It’s important to note that the California Secretary of State checks for name availability against registered entities but not against trademarks or fictitious business names.

Prior to adopting a proposed name, you have the option to reserve it for a duration of 60 days. While an online preliminary search is available, it is not a formal name availability search.

Key Takeaways:

  • Checking the availability of your desired business name is crucial for starting a new venture in California.
  • The California Secretary of State checks for name availability against registered entities but not against trademarks or fictitious business names.
  • Prior to adopting a proposed name, you have the option to reserve it for 60 days.
  • A preliminary search is available online, but it is not a formal name availability search.
  • Ensure your business name is distinctive and compliant with California’s regulations.

How to Check Available Business Names in California

To check the availability of business names in California, you can use the Business Search tool provided by the California Secretary of State. This online database allows you to search for available names for corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships.

Firstly, visit the California Secretary of State’s website and navigate to their Business Search tool. Once on the search page, enter the desired business name in the search field. The tool will then display a list of names that match or closely resemble the search terms.

It’s important to note that this is a preliminary search and not a formal name availability search. While it provides a good indication of whether a name is available or not, it doesn’t guarantee its availability. For a formal name availability search, it is recommended to consult with a legal professional or use the services of a business formation service.


Additionally, when choosing a business name, it is highly recommended to search for available domain names that match your desired business name. Having a consistent brand across your website and business documents is crucial for establishing a strong online presence.

By conducting a thorough search using the Business Search tool and ensuring domain name availability, you can determine the availability of your desired business name in California.

llc name availability california

Once you have checked the availability of your desired business name, you can proceed with the next steps to reserve and register your name in California.

How to Reserve and Register a Business Name in California

If you have found an available business name in California, you have the option to reserve it for a period of 60 days. The name reservation can be submitted online through the California Secretary of State’s bizfile Online portal. This reservation can be renewed, but not for consecutive 60-day periods.

To officially register your business name, you will need to file the necessary documents with the California Secretary of State. It is important to note that reserving a name does not guarantee that it meets all state and federal requirements.

california business name registration

When registering your business name in California, it is essential to follow the proper procedures to ensure compliance with the law. By reserving and registering your business name, you establish legal rights to use that name and protect your brand.

The process of reserving and registering a business name involves specific steps and requirements. Here is an overview of the process:

1. Name Availability Search:

Prior to reserving and registering your business name, it is crucial to conduct a thorough search to ensure its availability. Use the California business name availability database or the California business name availability search tool to check if your desired name is already in use.


2. Reserve the Name:

Once you have confirmed the availability of your preferred business name, you can reserve it for 60 days through the California Secretary of State’s online portal. Remember that reserving a name does not automatically register it; it only secures the name for that period.

3. File the Necessary Documents:

To register your business name officially, you need to file the appropriate documents with the California Secretary of State. The specific documents required may vary depending on the type of business entity you are forming, such as a corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or limited partnership.

4. Pay the Required Fees:

Along with filing the necessary documents, you will need to pay the associated fees. The fees for reserving and registering a business name in California can vary, so it is important to check the current fee schedule on the California Secretary of State’s website.

5. Follow Additional Steps:

Depending on the nature of your business, you may need to fulfill additional requirements, such as obtaining specific licenses or permits. It is important to research and understand any industry-specific regulations that apply to your business.

By following these steps, you can successfully reserve and register your business name in California. Remember to consider consulting with a legal professional or business advisor to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and requirements.

Naming Requirements and Restrictions for California LLCs

When naming your California LLC, there are certain requirements and restrictions that must be met. It is important to ensure that your LLC name complies with the regulations set by the California Secretary of State.

Naming Requirements:

  1. The LLC name must include the phrase “limited liability company” or one of its abbreviations, such as “LLC” or “L.L.C.”
  2. The name must be distinguishable from existing business names registered with the California Secretary of State. This means the name should not be too similar to any existing entity name.
  3. The name should not imply that the LLC is organized for an unlawful purpose or engage in activities that are prohibited by the law.

Restrictions on Name Usage:

  • There are specific words that may require approval from the Commissioner of Business Oversight to be used in the LLC name. These words include words that suggest a licensed profession such as attorney, banker, or doctor.
  • Words such as “bank,” “trust,” and “insurance” are generally prohibited unless the LLC is properly licensed and authorized to engage in those activities.
  • Using a name that is deceptively similar to an existing trademark can lead to legal issues and may also violate the naming requirements.

It is important to thoroughly research and choose a unique LLC name that complies with all the naming requirements and restrictions. By doing so, you can ensure that your business operates legally and avoids any potential conflicts with existing entities.

Here is a helpful visual representation of the naming requirements and restrictions for California LLCs:

Now that you understand the naming requirements and restrictions for California LLCs, it’s time to explore the process of reserving and registering a business name in California.

Registering a Fictitious Business Name in California

In California, if you plan to operate your business under a name other than its legal name, you will need to register a fictitious business name, also known as a DBA (doing business as).

Registering a fictitious business name is a straightforward process. You can begin by conducting a search to ensure the availability of your desired name in the California business name database. This will help you avoid any potential conflicts with existing businesses.


Once you have confirmed the availability of your desired name, you can proceed with the registration process. Fictitious business names are registered with the county office where your business is located. You will need to submit the necessary documents, including the registration form and any required fees.

It is important to note that fictitious business names must be renewed periodically. In California, they are typically renewed every five years. This ensures that the registration remains active and that your business name remains protected.

Registering a fictitious business name allows you to operate your business under a name that is different from your legal name. It provides transparency to customers, allowing them to easily identify your business. By following the registration process, you can confidently establish your brand and operate under your chosen name in California.


Checking the availability of a business name is a crucial step when starting a new venture in California. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the process of checking California business name availability and secure the ideal name for your business.

It is important to ensure that your chosen name meets all the requirements and restrictions set by the California Secretary of State. By conducting a thorough search using the Business Search tool provided by the California Secretary of State, you can check the availability of business names for corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships.

Once you have confirmed the availability of your desired business name, you can take the necessary steps to register and reserve it. Submitting the name reservation online through the California Secretary of State’s bizfile Online portal allows you to reserve the name for a 60-day period. To officially register your business name, you will need to file the required documents with the California Secretary of State.

In addition, if you plan to operate your business under a different name than its legal name, registering a fictitious business name, or DBA, is necessary. This registration is done at the county office where your business is located and must be renewed every five years.

By following these steps and ensuring the availability of your chosen business name, you can confidently move forward with your business in California. Take the time to research and comply with the regulations to start your venture on the right foot.


How can I check the availability of business names in California?

You can use the Business Search tool provided by the California Secretary of State to check the availability of business names in California. This online database allows you to search for available names for corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships. Please note that this is a preliminary search and not a formal name availability search.

How do I reserve and register a business name in California?

To reserve a business name in California, you can submit a name reservation request online through the California Secretary of State’s bizfile Online portal. The name can be reserved for a period of 60 days. To officially register your business name, you will need to file the necessary documents with the California Secretary of State.

What are the naming requirements and restrictions for California LLCs?

California LLC names must include the phrase “limited liability company” or one of its abbreviations. The name must be distinguishable from existing business names and cannot imply that the LLC is organized for an unlawful purpose. There are also specific words that require approval from the Commissioner of Business Oversight to be used in the name.

How do I register a fictitious business name in California?

If you plan to operate your business under a name other than its legal name, you will need to register a fictitious business name, also known as a DBA (doing business as). Fictitious business names are registered with the county office where your business is located. Make sure to research and ensure the availability of the desired name before filing the registration. Fictitious business names must be renewed every five years.

What is the process to check business name availability in California?

The process to check business name availability in California involves using the Business Search tool provided by the California Secretary of State. This tool allows you to search for available names for corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships. However, it is important to note that this is only a preliminary search and not a formal name availability search.