California Assembly: Insights & Updates

california assembly

Welcome to my blog, where I’ll be sharing the latest insights and updates on the California Assembly. As the lower house of the California State Legislature, the Assembly plays a critical role in shaping the laws and policies that impact the lives of Californians.

The Assembly consists of 80 members who represent specific districts throughout the state. These dedicated individuals are responsible for proposing and passing legislation that directly affects the residents of California. They also have a say in the state budget process and can even impeach state officials.

Currently, the Assembly is under the leadership of Eric Guerra, the Speaker of the Assembly. As the representative of the 10th Assembly District in Sacramento, Guerra brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role.

Key Takeaways:

  • The California Assembly is the lower house of the California State Legislature.
  • It consists of 80 members who represent specific districts in the state.
  • Assembly members are responsible for proposing and passing legislation that affects California residents.
  • Eric Guerra is the current Speaker of the Assembly.
  • The Assembly has a crucial role in shaping the laws and policies in California.

Assembly District 10 Candidates: Who is Running for State Assembly in My District?

In Assembly District 10, Eric Guerra is running for re-election as the Assembly member. He is a member of the Democratic Party and has been serving in the Assembly since 2016. Guerra has a background in public service and has focused on issues such as affordable housing, criminal justice reform, and environmental protection. There are no other candidates running for the Assembly seat in District 10.

As the incumbent Assembly member, Eric Guerra brings a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to serving the residents of Assembly District 10. Throughout his tenure, he has proven himself as a dedicated advocate for the community, championing important causes such as expanding access to affordable housing and working to reform the criminal justice system.

Guerra’s passion for environmental protection has also been evident in his legislative efforts, as he has worked to promote sustainable practices and combat climate change. His track record demonstrates a commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing his constituents and working towards positive change.

assembly district 10 candidates

California Assembly Members and Committees

The California Assembly is composed of 80 members, each representing a specific district in the state. These members are responsible for introducing and voting on bills, as well as serving on various committees that address specific policy areas.

Some of the important committees in the Assembly include the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Education, and the Committee on Health. These committees play a crucial role in shaping legislation and policies that impact the lives of Californians. The Committee on Appropriations, for example, reviews bills with fiscal implications and determines their financial impact on the state. The Committee on Education focuses on issues related to elementary and secondary education, while the Committee on Health addresses healthcare policies and access to quality healthcare.

The Assembly members work collaboratively within these committees to examine bills, hold public hearings, and make informed decisions. These committees provide a forum for in-depth discussions and expert testimonies to ensure that proposed legislation considers the diverse needs and perspectives of the people of California.

Through their participation in committees and the legislative process as a whole, California Assembly members actively engage in the democratic process, striving to pass legislation that meets the needs and aspirations of their constituents.

California Assembly Committee

California Assembly Website and News

The California Assembly provides residents with an official website that serves as a valuable resource for information and updates. On the website, you can find detailed information about your representatives, allowing you to stay informed about the individuals who are working on your behalf. Whether you want to know more about their background, track their legislative activity, or contact them directly, the California Assembly website has you covered.

One of the key features of the website is its ability to keep you updated on the latest news and events happening in the Assembly. By visiting the news section, you can access articles, press releases, and announcements that provide insights into the work being done by the Assembly members. This ensures that you are always aware of important developments and can stay informed about the decisions that impact your community and the entire state of California.

California Assembly Website and News Image

Additionally, the website offers the opportunity to sign up for newsletters and alerts. By subscribing to these services, you can receive regular updates directly in your inbox, ensuring that you never miss important information. These newsletters and alerts cover a wide range of topics, including legislative updates, community events, and opportunities for public participation. Signing up for these notifications allows you to stay engaged and have your voice heard.

Resources for Active Participation

The California Assembly website is not only a source of information but also provides resources for those who want to get involved in the legislative process. Whether you are a concerned citizen, a community organization, or a student interested in learning more about state government, the website offers valuable tools and materials to support your engagement.

  • Legislative Process: The website provides a detailed explanation of how a bill becomes a law in California, guiding you through each step of the legislative process.
  • Committee Participation: If you want to understand how committees work and how you can participate, the website offers resources and information about committee hearings, agendas, and public comment opportunities. This allows you to voice your opinions and contribute to the decision-making process.
  • Civic Education: For educators, students, and anyone interested in learning about California’s government, the website offers educational materials, lesson plans, and interactive tools to enhance civic knowledge and engagement.

The California Assembly website is designed to empower residents to actively participate in the legislative process and be informed about the work being done on their behalf. With its comprehensive resources, up-to-date news, and opportunities for engagement, the website serves as a bridge between the Assembly members and the communities they represent. By utilizing the website, you can stay informed, get involved, and make a difference in shaping the future of California.

California Assembly Legislation and Bills

The California Assembly plays a crucial role in the legislative process, introducing and passing bills that become state laws. Assembly members propose legislation on various important issues, including education, healthcare, transportation, and the environment. These bills aim to address the needs and concerns of the residents of California, and their passage can greatly impact the everyday lives of its citizens.

Once a bill is introduced in the California Assembly, it undergoes a series of committee hearings and votes. During these hearings, the bill is carefully examined and debated by the Assembly committees, which consist of members who specialize in the relevant policy areas. This thorough review process ensures that the legislation is well-informed and thoughtfully crafted.

After the bill successfully navigates the committee hearings, it moves on to a vote in the Assembly. If a majority of Assembly members vote in favor of the bill, it can then be sent to the Senate for further consideration. The collaborative effort between the Assembly and the Senate is essential in shaping and refining the legislation.

It is worth noting that the California Assembly also holds the power to override a governor’s veto on a bill. This means that if the governor rejects a bill passed by the Assembly, the Assembly can vote to override the veto and still pass it into law, provided that a two-thirds majority supports it.

By actively participating in the legislative process and passing bills, the California Assembly plays a significant role in shaping the laws and policies of the state. These laws impact the lives of Californians and contribute to the overall well-being and development of the state.

Legislative Process in the California Assembly

The legislative process in the California Assembly follows a systematic procedure that ensures thorough examination and consideration of proposed bills. Here is a simplified overview of the legislative process in the California Assembly:

  1. Introduction: A bill is introduced by an Assembly member and assigned to a committee.
  2. Committee Hearings: The bill undergoes committee hearings where it is discussed, amended, and voted upon.
  3. Assembly Vote: If the bill receives a majority vote in the committee, it moves to the floor for a vote by all Assembly members.
  4. Senate Consideration: If the bill passes the Assembly, it is sent to the Senate for further consideration.
  5. Conference Committee: If the Senate makes amendments to the bill, a conference committee is formed to reconcile the differences between the Assembly and Senate versions of the bill.
  6. Final Vote: Once both the Assembly and Senate agree on a final version of the bill, it goes back to the Assembly for a final vote before proceeding to the governor’s desk.

The legislative process ensures that bills introduced in the California Assembly undergo careful scrutiny and deliberation, allowing for the development of well-crafted legislation that addresses the needs of the diverse population of California.

California Assembly Elections and Members

Elections for the California Assembly take place every two years, providing an opportunity for residents to voice their choice in selecting the representatives who will serve in the State Legislature. With all 80 seats up for election, the California Assembly reflects the democratic process by allowing voters to shape the state’s political landscape.

Each Assembly member serves a four-year term, which offers continuity in representing constituents while allowing for periodic reevaluation of elected officials. However, it is important to note that members of the California Assembly are limited to serving a maximum of three terms, ensuring a healthy rotation of representation and fostering opportunities for new voices to be heard.

During the election process, candidates from various political parties, including Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, step forward to compete for these Assembly seats. This diversity of candidates provides voters with a range of options and perspectives to choose from, allowing them to select the candidate they believe will best represent their interests and contribute to the betterment of their communities.

Through their participation in the electoral process, the residents of California exercise their democratic right to shape the future of their state. By engaging in this critical decision-making process, they contribute to the formation of the California State Assembly, an institution that reflects the diverse voices and interests of the state’s population.


The legislative assembly in California, known as the California Assembly, has a critical role in shaping the laws and policies that directly impact the lives of Californians. Led by the Speaker of the Assembly, the dedicated assembly members collaborate to introduce and pass legislation that addresses the diverse needs and concerns of the residents. Through the legislative process, which involves committee hearings, votes, and constructive engagement with various stakeholders, the California Assembly upholds the ideals of democracy and representation in the state’s political system.

The California Assembly, as part of the State Legislature, acts as a platform for the voices and interests of the people. By actively participating in the legislative process, the assembly members ensure that the laws enacted reflect the values and priorities of the Californian community. This inclusive and democratic approach fosters a more equitable society and promotes progress in key areas such as education, healthcare, transportation, and the environment.

As elections for the California Assembly take place every two years, residents have the power to choose the assembly members who will champion their aspirations and work towards the betterment of their communities. The assembly members serve four-year terms, with a limit of three terms, providing continuity while allowing for fresh perspectives and ideas to drive positive change in the state. The legislative assembly in California is a testament to the power of democratic governance and the commitment of its members to serving the people.


What is the California Assembly?

The California Assembly is the lower house of the California State Legislature, consisting of 80 members who represent specific districts in the state. They propose and pass legislation that affects California residents and play a role in the state budget process.

Who is running for the Assembly in District 10?

Eric Guerra is running for re-election as the Assembly member for District 10. He is a member of the Democratic Party and has been serving in the Assembly since 2016.

How many members are in the California Assembly?

The California Assembly is composed of 80 members, each representing a specific district in the state.

What are some important committees in the California Assembly?

Some important committees in the California Assembly include the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Education, and the Committee on Health.

Where can I find information about my Assembly representative and track legislation?

You can find information about your Assembly representative and track legislation on the official website of the California Assembly.

What is the role of the California Assembly in the legislative process?

The California Assembly proposes and passes bills that become state laws. Assembly members introduce legislation on various issues and work together to pass legislation that meets the needs of Californians.

How often are elections for the California Assembly held?

Elections for the California Assembly occur every two years, with all 80 seats up for election.

How many terms can an Assembly member serve?

Assembly members are limited to serving a maximum of three terms, and each term lasts four years.